Total extracted to date:
First Airdrop was opened at Dec 26, 2023
The extraction has been reopened 3 times.
Airdrop will be reopened at any time until 2030.

current price
Initial availability to be extracted: $
last amount of money extracted: $
The biggest amount extracted: $
Just now availability in Airdrop: $

In 2 simple steps you can participate in Transactional Mining Airdrop of Bettercoin when it's OPEN:
1. You will need some ETHs to cover the GAS in the Ethereum Network and some ETH to active the mining transactions smart contract.
2. Starting from December 26th, you can send 0.001 ETH or 1 ETH, depends on session 100% or 50% respectively, from your Metamask to the official address of this Airdrop: XWINNER.ETH
The address 0x567B ... 98bB is the official ENS.
The Smart Contract Address is 0x567BFf0D82F65199fC618318d807D5FFe68398bB
The easy access of Airdrop is XWINNER.ETH (Ethereum Name Service)
General information:
A few seconds after transferring to XWINNER.ETH you will receive automatically between $20 to $100 in BETTERs in a 100% Session, or x2 factor to x10 factor in BETTERs in a 50% Session, depends on Airdrop session that you participate. The amounts and factors may be changed in the future.
Only during extraordinary sessions may you receive a higher amount subject to special conditions informed.
Kind of Airdrop sessions:
In our operational structure, sessions are classified into three distinct categories: Session 100%, Session 50%, and Extraordinary Session. Each session type is associated with a predetermined allocation strategy for the funds received. Consequently, the distribution of ownership rights over the received funds is dictated by the predefined proportions assigned to each session type. This systematic approach ensures that the allocation of funds aligns with the parameters established for each session, fostering clarity and consistency within the platform's framework.
Session I.- When operating in Session 100% mode, such as when 0.001 ETH is sent to the DEX XWINNER.ETH, the ownership structure is such that the recipient effectively gains ownership of an equivalent amount of BETTER in their wallet. This means that the amount of BETTER received are exactly the parity to the ETH transferred, establishing a direct correlation between the two currencies within the session.
Session II.- In Session 50% mode, which is activated when 1 ETH is sent to DEX XWINNER.ETH, there's a specific mechanism at play: the received amount of BETTER is effectively doubled. However, this doubling effect is counterbalanced by a unique ownership structure. The recipient gains ownership of 50% of the doubled BETTER received. Consequently, when these BETTER are transferred out of the recipient's wallet, only 50% of the received amount in ETH is returned to the user who initially sent the ETH.
It's crucial to note that in this mode, the recipient's wallet, which originally participated in the Airdrop by sending 1 ETH, cannot directly convert the received BETTER into BetterCash or BetterOne. This restriction underscores the specific rules and limitations associated with Session 50% mode within the platform's ecosystem for security reason.
Session III.- The Extraordinary Session pertains to a singular event within the cryptocurrency sphere, signifying a departure from the norm. During such sessions, the allocation of BETTER is notably elevated, presenting a substantial opportunity for individuals to capitalize on and potentially ascend to millionaire status within the Bettercoin cryptocurrency ecosystem.
The recipient obtains ownership of a specific percentage of BETTER received, a proportion that is clearly delineated for each instance of an Extraordinary Session. This means that the allocation of BETTER to the recipient is contingent upon the parameters established for the respective Extraordinary Session, ensuring transparency and clarity regarding ownership rights within the platform's framework.
This distinctive session type is designed to harness significant market occurrences and provide an avenue for substantial wealth generation within the Bettercoin cryptocurrency holders.
Bettercoin's criteria:
Discover innovation with Bettercoin. In contrast to many other cryptocurrencies, Bettercoin diverges from the conventional model of centralized exchange trading. Instead, the BETTER token was specifically engineered to facilitate personalized peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions of digital assets. This tailored approach emphasizes direct interactions between individual users, fostering a decentralized trading environment that prioritizes autonomy and user empowerment within the Bettercoin ecosystem.
By selling it on your own, you will reap the direct benefits of your efforts to encourage adoption, THIS BEING THE PHILOSOPHY OF BETTERCOIN CREATOR TEAM.
BETTER has been carefully designed to resist speculation. Its price is immune to manipulation and has a unique security scheme during transfers. In case of default of payment by the buyer to whom you offer to sell this cryptocurrency, you can rest assured that BETTER can be recovered.
Airdrop TIPs for users:
Make sure you have a good internet connection. A desktop computer is preferable for expanding Metamask.
You may use the secret key informed some months ago to get a little special benefit.
It does not work to send to XREADY.ETH a different amount of 0.001 ETH or 1 ETH.
Please check the On/Off status as it may change weekly.
If you are a new user, do not forget to import the other tokens of the Bettercoin ecosystem, especially UNPAID information token and the PayOrder information token, available in this website at coinware.company/bettercoin in the Import Metamask tag.
The contract numbers of token to import are in this website in the Import to Metamask tag:
As a way to generate community and facilitate the participation of many people is that we limit to 1 transactions a day per wallet. Previous Bettercoin users will be able to make up to 3 transactions a day from their wallet. Within each Airdrop session, it is imperative for users to utilize a new Metamask wallet. This aims to incentivize the execution of BETTER transactions when the user wishes to consolidate their Better tokens into a single METAMASK wallet.
The Airdrop day visit this page ( https://coinware.company/airdrop ) for on-line information.